The aim of Jesus Christ’s salvation is to “transform people by the renewing of their mind”. This transformation starts from an individual, gradually extends to families, then communities, and ultimately brings about profound changes in ethnic groups and cultures. God has entrusted this mission of eternity, to the Church, and is an important goal of the Church’s missionary work.
Through the preaching and practice of “the gospel of Jesus”, we learn to be a people and a church after God’s own heart. When our minds and deeds have been transformed, we, as a church will become God’s instrument to transform the world. The world has been damaged by sin and desperately requires cure and renewal. Only if God’s people submit themselves to Him, respond to His calling and live a life in accordance with His teaching, can transformation happen. The Bible as God’s revelation gives us the guideline for healing and renewal. The Church is the primary vehicle for achieving this goal.
The essence of transformation and historical testimony
Transformation represents a fundamental change of nature and character. Transformation consistent with biblical teachings can bring people into line with God’s will. This change starts with an individual’s life, but has the power to bring about the renewal of entire groups and society. This has been proven many times in the history of the church.
Jesus commissioned His disciples to spread the gospel to the whole world. God, as recorded in (Acts 1:15), through 120 disciples, started a transformative movement that eventually changed the Roman Empire. This was recognised as one of the biggest transformations in western history. In 40AD, there were only several thousand Christians, an insignificant proportion of the 60 million people in the Roman Empire at that time. However, by 300AD, the number of Christians had grown to 630,000 which was one tenth of the whole population. After that, in 313AD, The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity. In 381AD, Christianity was designated as the Roman state religion, thus transforming the Roman Empire from a pagan belief culture to a Christian culture.
Similar transformation also took place in the 19th century. William Carey, a British missionary was called by God to take the gospel to India. With the light of the truth and wise utilisation of his resources, he enlightened the life of many Indians. He taught them to understand the will of the Creator, conveyed the belief that life was beautiful and full of hope, and broke the fatalistic two-thousand-year concepts of Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as the deep-rooted caste system (which divides people into different levels according to their socioeconomic status).
Transformation of Life brings forth cultural changes
Do not underestimate the transformation of your life, but always set an example in words, deeds, love, faith, and purity. Every born-again Christian is called to be part of the body of Christ, part of the church, to be sent out into the world to be light and salt, transforming communities, societies, and the secular culture within them.
I was called by God to become a missionary. I am fully aware of the limitations of an individual, but I have also personally experienced the wonderful impact of small life changes and witnessed God’s powerful deeds. Hence, I focus my work on “men’s ministry”. Gathering and nurturing a group of brothers to support each other and grow in the faith of Christ. Starting from the renewal of personal life, it gradually influences the family and workplace, and I am convinced that it will eventually bring about the transformation of the community and even the entire social culture.
Currently, I am serving two groups of “Men’s Romances” in MAC. We, together, are pursuing “transformation by renewal of mind” in the Truth and are eager to become a vessel used by the Lord to testify His glory and power in the world!
Rev. Alex Yip