Connected in Christ, Witness in Unity
Rev . Chiu
Many participants in church may lead a rich life of faith and biblical knowledge. But what we still need is an ability to listen to other people’s opinions, to be open enough to know the thoughts and positions that we have never understood before. As you may know, local Chinese churches are now faced with a new wave of immigrants. Both the original brothers and sisters and new friends must have a humble heart and a willingness to listen to each other, so that they can build a relationship with each other and even worship and serve together, promoting the gospel.
Therefore, the church has set the theme of the new year (July this year to June next year) as “Connected in Christ, Witness in Unity”. We hope to connect believers from different backgrounds and who have immigrated to the UK in different eras in the future. Then we can become a church in unity. Of course, what we are talking about does not necessarily mean that everything is exactly the same, or the same thing is done at the same time and in the same place. Unity can happen in harmony whilst there is a difference, indeed there can be unity in diversity. According to Paul’s metaphor for the church, that is, within the same body, each churchgoer plays a different part, exerting their different gifts and functions. With the current development of MAC, we have started fellowships and church planting in different regions. Additionally, different language groups and ethnic groups worship in the church. Because of the Lord, we are still connected and belong to the same church.
To match this theme, we will study Ephesians together in each respective fellowship this year, as Paul’s book contains a rich view of the church. I hope that brothers and sisters will study, discuss, and live out together the unity of God’s will. In the Sunday services, the pastoral staff have chosen to expound the Judges. The reason for choosing Judges is to learn biblical truth from the Old Testament while we bible study the New Testament about the unity of the church. From Ephesians, Paul gives us positive teachings, but the Judges give us counterexamples, in which each one did what they thought was right. It is exactly what we need to be careful and draw lessons from.
May the Lord lead us to learn together in humility and build MAC a family that is pleasing to God.