The scriptures of the Great Commission are familiar to us “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ( Matt 28:19-20) We often focus on the content of the Great Commission and seldom think about its foundation. Indeed, the foundation of the Great Commission is something every Christian needs to recognize and should not overlook. The foundation of the Great Commission is in verse 18, where the risen Lord says to his disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Through the sacrifice on the cross, Jesus Christ dealt a deadly blow to Satan who held the power of death. Since then, people can reconcile with God through their faith against Christ and establish an unbreakable relationship, becoming citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who become the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are to spread this wonderful message so that more people can be informed of this truth.
According to the announcement from the UK Home Office, through the BNO (British National Overseas) scheme, there are approximately over 140,000 Hong Kong residents applying to move to the UK. It is estimated that around 100,000 people have already entered the UK and are dispersed in various cities and towns. What should Christian do in respone to such large immigrant? As a new immigrant, we need time to adapt into various aspects of life. In this process, we may accumulate the wisdom against living as well as the grace from our God . it should be the right time and opportunity to witness our God, isn’t it ? While we are building a new life in UK, we can also use this opportunity to renew our commitment toward on the gospel? While Chinese churches across the UK are striving for the gospel, there are also extreme and even heretical sects trying to take some advantage against the immigration trend. They are seeking opportunities when people are feeling weak. As the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, what should we do? Do we let them to destroy the eternal plan of God continously ? Our Lord once said, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Lk 19:10) May we, in cooperation with God, seek and save the losing sheep wandering among the hills.
Since Warrington is a hot spot for Hong Kong immigrants, the presence of Hong Kong people can often be seen in major supermarkets and shopping malls. Currently, there are around 250 adults participating in Saturday and Sunday worship services at MAC (Warrington), with over 70 young people and more than 50 children in their respective groups, totaling nearly 400 individuals in the church. Nevertheless, we still believe that there are many people in various areas of Warrington whom God is seeking. Thanks God, The Heralds is preparing for a journey to the UK, and Warrington is their second stop. We join together to hold two evangelical conferences on September 2nd, both in the afternoon and evening of Saturday. Registration for the conference is now open, and all brothers and sisters from MAC are welcome to invite their non-believing friends to attend. We are thankful that the Lord has prepared an ideal venue for us, with nearby multi-level parking lots, large shopping malls, and a variety of restaurants. With numerous favorable conditions, we hope to bring people before the Lord and have them receive the gospel of Jesus Christ, the gift of eternal life. May these evangelical conferences become a great opportunity for us to respond to the mission of spreading the gospel.
Pastor Winson